Sunday, May 3, 2009

Install windows 7 from USB flash drive

Here is small guide on how to install windows 7 from USB flash drive for Windows XP users
Item you need :4GB THUMB DRIVE(min)
1. Connect your USB Flash Drive to your computer Format USB drive
2. To Format USB Flash Drive Go to My Computer-> Right click on USB drive and select Format from context menu

3. Now go to Start Menu->run->cmd (Open Command Prompt) and Type following command

convert i: /fs:ntfs (Where “I” is your USB drive latter)

4. Mount Windows 7 iso as drive (U can use Freeware MagicDisc download from here)

5. Type Start->run->cmd
Now dir to directory where you have extracted MBRWiz and run following commands

mbrwiz /list (note down disk number of your USB Pen drive)
mbrwiz /disk=X /active=X (X is Disk Number of your USB Drive)


6. Now open another command window and type following command

J: (Drive letter of Windows 7 iso mounted with demon tool)
CD boot
bootsect /nt60 Y: (Y is drive latter of your USB drive )


7. Now copy all files from drive where you have mount Windows 7 iso

8. Now reboot your computer and press F9 to get your BIOS screen and select USB drive as your boot drive.

9. If every thing goes fine, Your Windows 7 Installation should start from your USB drive

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